Called to Care

Called to Care Team 2019-2021

The Called to Care Team is an outreach mission from St. Paul to those of our congregation who are unable to join us on Sundays in the sanctuary. Since the decline of Covid and the opportunity for vaccinations we are beginning home and residential facility visitations again. Everyone on our list receives a card on holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and at other times during the year. We also deliver poinsettias and Easter flowers donated after the holidays.

Current members of our team: Fritz & Peggy Ankerman, Linda Caton, Ruth Frazier, Hannah Kohler, Bert & Sally Presar, Wayne Quellhorst, Rodney & Therese Schey, Bill & Peg Schlenker, Jan Schlenker, Lori Schroer, Pat Shaw, Sheri Sherman, Nancy Stroh, Kadene Warner, Rollie & Kay Wellington.

If you would like to join us in this rewarding ministry, please call Kay Wellington 419-236-7583.

John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you are to love one another.

Called to Care Team 2017-2018

Back: Rodney Schey, Judy Quellhorst, Wayne Quellhorst, Rollie Wellington, Jay Koenig, Eileen Werling, Bert Presar, Bill Schlenker, Elisha Smith

Middle: Therese Schey, Jan Schlenker, Sheri Sherman, Kadene Warner, Sandy Koenig

Front: Peg Schlenker, Kay Wellington, Sally Presar, Pat Shaw, Nancy Stroh, Pastor Becky Sunday

Not pictured: Fritz Ankerman, Cindy Erb, Jim & Jenny Everhart, Hannah Kohler, Ruth Frazier, Elaine Mikesell, Karen Ruck, Lori Schroer, Don Webb, Brenda Wellington, Tami Zwez


Called to Care Team 2016-2017


Front – Senior Pastor Becky Sunday, Nancy Stroh, Pastor Emerita Elaine Mikesell, Judy Quellhorst, Associate Pastor Janice Burns-Watson
Second – Therese Schey, Peg Schlenker, Jan Schlenker, Kadene Warner, Sally Presar, Kay Wellington
Third – Rodney Schey, Bill Schlenker,  Eileen Werling, Sandy Koenig, Jay Koenig
Back – Rollie Wellington, Wayne Quellhorst
Not pictured: Fritz Ankerman, Cindy Erb, Jim & Jenny Everhart, Ruth Frazier, Bert Presar, Lori Schroer, Pat Shaw, Sheri Sherman, Don Webb, Tami Zwez

Called to Care Team 2015-16

Back: Rodney Schey, Bert Presar, Wayne Quellhorst, Jay Koenig, Fritz Ankerman
3rd: Judy Quellhorst, Sandy Koenig, Kadene Warner, Hannah Kohler, Elisha Smith
2nd: Therese Schey, Sally Presar, Jan Schlenker, Rev. Elaine Mikesell, Ruth Frazier, Sheri Sherman
Front: Rev. Becky Sunday, Rev. Janice Burns-Watson, Tami Zwez, Eileen Werling, Kay Wellington, Rollie Wellington, Nancy Stroh, Cindy Erb
Not pictured: Carol Berg, Jim & Jenny Everhart, Tim Kinstle, Lori Schroer, Dawn Warner, Brenda Wellington

The Called to Care Team is an outreach ministry from St. Paul to those of our congregation who are unable to join us on Sundays in the sanctuary. Team members visit folks in their homes and also in nursing homes. In recent years, many good friendships have developed as a result of faithful visits, cards, and small gifts given by our volunteers.   A big thank-you to all who have helped make this a growing ministry of our church.  If you would like to join our Called to Care Team, please contact Rev. Becky Sunday or Tami Zwez.
John 13.34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you are to love one another.

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